Versatile Italian artist, who lives in Greece, his musical interests range from Mediterranean traditions to early music free improvisation, up to free improvisation and Body Music: his work brings together the fields of music, theatre, performing arts. His long research upon traditional music and cultures of the Mediterranean builds the roots of his highly personal musical language, enriched by his experience in several musical styles, to result in a contemporary and highly expressive blend. Graduated with honours in Anthropology of Music (University of Bologna) and in Traditional Percussion (F. Nakas Conservatory, Athens), with P. Kourtis. In Italy he has also studied classical percussion instruments with P. Tini, jazz drums with F. D’Auria, composition with M. Aliffi and D. Ambrosioni, and has started his research around traditional percussion instruments from Italy and the Mediterranean. He has attended seminars, among the others, with Giulio Capiozzo (AREA). Misirli Ahmet and Raffaele Inserra. He has been dealing with Body Music since 2007, and has attended courses and seminars with Max Pollak (New York), Leela Petronio (Paris), Simone Clarke (London), Keith Terry (San Francisco), Jep Melendez (Tenerife), Danny "Slapjazz" Barber (San Diego, USA, hambone master), Barbatuques (Sao Paulo), and others. He has in the way collaborated with most of those artists. In Italy he founded several musical projects, where he was involved also in composition and arrangement, and with his Juba Lane project he was awarded in 1999 the first prize at the Italian National jazz contest “Fiesole Jazz”, with Stefano Bollani as a member of the jury. He worked with bands and artists from Italy (Radiodervish, Canto Antico, Calicanto, Viva Biancaluna Biffi, BAMP, Echo Art, Il Paese delle Mille Danze, Shlomot…), and abroad (Gnawa of Casablanca – Morocco, Touareg de l’Ahaggar – Algeria, Sarajevo, Europe – international project, and many others), and has performed in major theatres, concert halls and festivals in more than twenty different countries. He servedfor four years as the artistic director of the Italian traditional Music Festival "Le vie della Musica", in Monza. He has worked in Switzerland with Kafeneion, Chef de Kef bands and Elisabeth Sulser. In the theatre field, he has written and directed several performances, based on improvisation and the encounter of different artistic languages, with musicians, dancers, actors, visual and street artists: the shows were location-based and have been presented in Italy and abroad. He played in the tour of the Italian musical “Gianburrasca”, with Marco Morandi, music by Nino Rota, and in Greece he played for Sotiris Chatzakis’ play “Of the dead brother”, presented in Greece and abroad. He collaborated also with director Iago Andreadis and with several other companies, and composed the soundtrack of the dance-theatre show “Dall’altra parte del mondo”, by ArtNiveau Italian company, with which he had a steady collaboration. In Greece, he has worked with many bands and artists, playing jazz, rock, reggae, Greek modern and traditional music, afro, world, Italian traditional music. He used to collaborate with P. Kourtis and composer N. Mamangakis, and occasionally with the Lykeio Ellinidon. He has played with major names in traditional music, jazz and creative music, theatre and musical, like D. Lynch, G. Kotsinis, G. Kapsalis, Kitrina Podilata, M. Farandouri, T. Mikroutsikos, Z. Karounis, G. Nega, G. Kondogiannis, V. Lekkas, S. and E. Vougioukli, Z. Tiganouria, M. Achalinotopoulos, M. Papadeas, J. Marugg, G. Fakanas, T. Kotonias, A. Kapsokavadis, and many others, and has taken part in numerous recordings. He collaborates with Nikos Touliatos in free improvisation projects, and is a member of his band Echodrasi; he founded in 2008 with T. Daskalopoulos the first Body Music band in Greece, Kantu Korpu, which has had important appearances and collaborations in Greece and abroad, until 2013. In November 2016 he published Bodyterranean, his first Body Music album: a pioneering work, not only for Greece, with his covers and compositions based on traditional music from Greece and Southern Italy, played only with body percussion and voice, and counting very important guests form Greece (Areti Ketime, Maria Koti, Manos Achalinotopoulos – as a vocalist! – Alexandros Kapsokavadis, Pleiades, Stringless, Word of Mouth…) and abroad (Max Pollak, Bryan Dyer, Raùl Cabrera, Antwan Davis). Based on this album, his last show “Bodyterranean – the show” was first presented at the International Body Music Festival in Athens in October 2017, with great response of audience and critics. He has been taking part to the same festival, the biggest worldwide Body Music event, based in San Francisco, since 2011, as an artist and a teacher. As an educator, he has been teaching private classes and conducting seminars, courses and workshops in percussion and body music in Europe and the USA, and has experienced over the years the use of Body Music as an effective educational tool in various fields, working for theatre, dance, music, circus, with professional artists and not; for children, music education, in seminars on traditional rhythms, in team building activities… “We certify that the band ‘Juba Lane’ […] is the winner of the first ‘Fiesole Jazz’ contest, for its ability in blending different musical languages in an active and creative way. The jury has especially appreciated the research on sound and the virtuosity, and believes the project has even more developing possibilities”. The Jury: Stefano Bollani, Andrea Cavallari, Luigi Onori. Fiesole, July 8th, 1999
¥ Areti Koltsida Between Seas (Independent production, Greece 2023)
¥ Aléxandros Kapsokavadis To pikrò (Gavriilides, Greece, 2018)
¥ Simone Mongelli Bodyterranean (EMSE, Greece 2016)
¥ Elisabeth Sulser band Vulcano (Independent production, Switzerland 2013)
¥ Simone Mongelli, Armando Illario Suditalia (Independent production, Italy 2011)
¥ Νίκος Μαμαγκάκης Odysseia (Idaia, Greece, 2011)
¥ Νίκος Μαμαγκάκης Asma ironiko kai penthimo (Idaia, Greece, 2011)
¥ Simone Mongelli, Νίκος Τουλιάτος All’improvviso (EMSE, Greece 2010) – 2nd best Greek jazz album of the year – difono magazine
¥ Antidotum Tarantuale Sed Nove (Parousia, Greece 2009)
¥ Olìgon East Mediterranean (Independent production, Greece 2008)
¥ Motovidlo 5 dances from the partite and sonate for solo violin by J.S. Bach (Ars Musica, Italy 2006)
¥ Marsa Project Xenofilia (Independent production, Italy 2005)
¥ Etnika Zifna (Filfla Records, Malta 2003)
¥ Mediterraneo, Musiche, Città (ARCI Milano, Italy 2003)
¥ Il Paese delle Mille Danze Al di qua e al di là del fiume (Independent production, Italy 2001)
¥ Juba Lane Juba Lane (Independent production, Italy 2000)
¥ Donata Pinti O Nobil Cavaliere (Cantovivo, Italy 2000)
¥ Sonorità visibili (CSM Desio, Italy, 1999)
¥ Il ponte, Most (EMI, Italy, 1999)
¥ Sarajevo, Europe Without songs, I’d get crazy (EMI, Italy 1998)